# File rbot/utils.rb, line 154
      def initialize(string)
        str = nil
        @nodata = false
        string.each_line {|l|
          if str == nil
            # grab first line (date)
            @date = l.chomp.strip
            str = ""
            if(str == "")
              str = l.chomp.strip
              str += " " + l.chomp.strip
        if @date && @date =~ /^(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+) (\d+):(\d+)$/
          # 2002/02/26 05:00
          @date = Time.gm($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, 0)
          @date = Time.now
        @input = str.chomp
        @cloud_layers = 0
        @cloud_coverage = {
          'SKC' => '0',
          'CLR' => '0',
          'VV'  => '8/8',
          'FEW' => '1/8 - 2/8',
          'SCT' => '3/8 - 4/8',
          'BKN' => '5/8 - 7/8',
          'OVC' => '8/8'
        @wind_dir_texts = [
        @wind_dir_texts_short = [
        @weather_array = {
          'MI' => 'Mild ',
          'PR' => 'Partial ',
          'BC' => 'Patches ',
          'DR' => 'Low Drifting ',
          'BL' => 'Blowing ',
          'SH' => 'Shower(s) ',
          'TS' => 'Thunderstorm ',
          'FZ' => 'Freezing',
          'DZ' => 'Drizzle ',
          'RA' => 'Rain ',
          'SN' => 'Snow ',
          'SG' => 'Snow Grains ',
          'IC' => 'Ice Crystals ',
          'PE' => 'Ice Pellets ',
          'GR' => 'Hail ',
          'GS' => 'Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets ',
          'UP' => 'Unknown ',
          'BR' => 'Mist ',
          'FG' => 'Fog ',
          'FU' => 'Smoke ',
          'VA' => 'Volcanic Ash ',
          'DU' => 'Widespread Dust ',
          'SA' => 'Sand ',
          'HZ' => 'Haze ',
          'PY' => 'Spray',
          'PO' => 'Well-Developed Dust/Sand Whirls ',
          'SQ' => 'Squalls ',
          'FC' => 'Funnel Cloud Tornado Waterspout ',
          'SS' => 'Sandstorm/Duststorm '
        @cloud_condition_array = {
          'SKC' => 'clear',
          'CLR' => 'clear',
          'VV'  => 'vertical visibility',
          'FEW' => 'a few',
          'SCT' => 'scattered',
          'BKN' => 'broken',
          'OVC' => 'overcast'
        @strings = {
          'mm_inches'             => '%s mm (%s inches)',
          'precip_a_trace'        => 'a trace',
          'precip_there_was'      => 'There was %s of precipitation ',
          'sky_str_format1'       => 'There were %s at a height of %s meters (%s feet)',
          'sky_str_clear'         => 'The sky was clear',
          'sky_str_format2'       => ', %s at a height of %s meter (%s feet) and %s at a height of %s meters (%s feet)',
          'sky_str_format3'       => ' and %s at a height of %s meters (%s feet)',
          'clouds'                => ' clouds',
          'clouds_cb'             => ' cumulonimbus clouds',
          'clouds_tcu'            => ' towering cumulus clouds',
          'visibility_format'     => 'The visibility was %s kilometers (%s miles).',
          'wind_str_format1'      => 'blowing at a speed of %s meters per second (%s miles per hour)',
          'wind_str_format2'      => ', with gusts to %s meters per second (%s miles per hour),',
          'wind_str_format3'      => ' from the %s',
          'wind_str_calm'         => 'calm',
          'precip_last_hour'      => 'in the last hour. ',
          'precip_last_6_hours'   => 'in the last 3 to 6 hours. ',
          'precip_last_24_hours'  => 'in the last 24 hours. ',
          'precip_snow'           => 'There is %s mm (%s inches) of snow on the ground. ',
          'temp_min_max_6_hours'  => 'The maximum and minimum temperatures over the last 6 hours were %s and %s degrees Celsius (%s and %s degrees Fahrenheit).',
          'temp_max_6_hours'      => 'The maximum temperature over the last 6 hours was %s degrees Celsius (%s degrees Fahrenheit). ',
          'temp_min_6_hours'      => 'The minimum temperature over the last 6 hours was %s degrees Celsius (%s degrees Fahrenheit). ',
          'temp_min_max_24_hours' => 'The maximum and minimum temperatures over the last 24 hours were %s and %s degrees Celsius (%s and %s degrees Fahrenheit). ',
          'light'                 => 'Light ',
          'moderate'              => 'Moderate ',
          'heavy'                 => 'Heavy ',
          'mild'                  => 'Mild ',
          'nearby'                => 'Nearby ',
          'current_weather'       => 'Current weather is %s. ',
          'pretty_print_metar'    => '%s on %s, the wind was %s at %s. The temperature was %s degrees Celsius (%s degrees Fahrenheit), and the pressure was %s hPa (%s inHg). The relative humidity was %s%%. %s %s %s %s %s'
