$! run scaleit to put FPH onto the same scale as FP $! $! $ass/user ccp4_master:[ccp4.examples.toxd]toxd.mtz hklin $ass/user CCP4_SCR:toxd_sc.mtz hklout $scaleit TITLE Scale FP to one FCPART ready for rsearch. reso 10 2.3 # Usually better to exclude lowest resolution data WEIGHT # Sigmas seem to be reliable. refine isotropic #Exclude FP data if: FP < 5*SIGFP & if FMAX > 1000000 EXCLUDE FP SIG 5 FMAX 10000000 LABIN FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 - FPH1=FAU20 SIGFPH1=SIGFAU20 - # input only one derivative to get full analysis FPH2=FI100 SIGFPH2=SIGFI100 - FPH3=FMM11 SIGFPH3=SIGFMM11 CONV ABS 0.0001 TOLR 0.000000001 NCYC 4 END