(* File mosml/examples/cgi/cgiex1.sml Example CGI program, which may be invoked by the webserver to handle requests transmitted from the example HTML FORM in file htmlform.html. See file README1 for instructions. *) open Mosmlcgi; fun prtint i = print (Int.toString i) fun prtline sus = (print (Substring.string sus); print "\n") fun lines s = Substring.fields (fn c => c = #"\n") (Substring.all s) fun processfile filedata = (case valOf (cgi_field_string "action") of "count characters" => (print "Text contains "; prtint (size filedata); print " characters\n") | "count lines" => (print "Text contains "; prtint (length (lines filedata)); print " lines\n") | "sort" => (print "Sorted text:


	      app prtline (Listsort.sort Substring.compare (lines filedata));
	      print "
\n") | _ => print "Unknown action\n") handle Option => print "No action\n" val _ = (print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print ""; (case cgi_field_string "texttoprocess" of SOME data => processfile data | NONE => print "No text to process\n"); print "")