Cisco Configurator

© Anton Voronin (, 2000-2001.

Cisco Configurator is an interactive configuration editor for Cisco devices. It is based on joe editor's macros that let you load either running or startup configuration from a Cisco router/switch/access server directly into the editor and commit it back after modification.

Command line syntax:

where is domain name or ip address of a device you want to reconfigure.

First, it loads the given router's running config into the joe editor. Within the editor you can modify it as needed, retrieve again, retrieve startup config, or commit the new configuration as a running or startup config.

The following additional keys are defined for joe editor:

CiscoConf maintains the database of previous versions of startup and running configurations for each router in /var/db/ciscoconf. The number of versions to keep is specified in its configuration file (/usr/local/etc/ciscoconf/CiscoConf.conf).

It also provides locking to prevent concurrent editing of the same configuration by more than one person.

Download v1.1