Package org.apache.jasper.compiler

Interface Summary
ClassDeclarationPhase When a generator implements ClassDeclarationPhase, its generate method will only be invoked while generating the servlet's class body and not during the service method phase.
CommentGenerator JSP Comment Generator
DestroyMethodPhase If a generator needs to output things into the destroy() method of the generated servlet, it should implement DestroyMethodPhase
FileDeclarationPhase If a generator wants to output stuff at "file scope" in the generated servlet class, it should implement this interface.
Generator Interface that all generators implement.
InitMethodPhase If you want code generated into init() method, then implement this interface.
JavaCompiler If you want to plugin your own Java compiler, you probably want to write a class that implements this interface.
Mangler You can control attributes like classname, packagename etc by plugging in your own mangler.
ParseEventListener Interface for the JSP code generation backend.
ServiceMethodPhase If your generator needs to generate code into the jspService() method (which is very likely), it should implement this class.
StaticInitializerPhase Generators the need to generate code that end up being statically initialized need to implement this class.

Class Summary
BeanEndGenerator Deal with .
BeanGenerator Generate code for useBean.
BeanRepository Holds instances of {session, application, page}-scoped beans
CharDataGenerator CharDataGenerator generates the character data present in the JSP file.
CommandLineCompiler Overrides some methods so that we get the desired effects.
Compiler If you want to customize JSP compilation aspects, this class is something you should take a look at.
DeclarationGenerator Generator to deal with JSP declarations.
EscapeUnicodeWriter Used to escape unicode characters with \ u's.
ExpressionGenerator Generator to deal with JSP expressions: <%= ...
ForwardGenerator Generator for
GetPropertyGenerator Generator for jsp:getProperty.
IncludeGenerator Generator for jsp:include.
JakartaCommentGenerator Generates original "Jakarta"-style comments
JikesJavaCompiler A Plug-in class for specifying a 'jikes' compile.
JspCompiler JspCompiler is an implementation of Compiler with a funky code mangling and code generation scheme.
JspLineMap Data structure to store the line and file map information.
JspLineMapItem Data structure used for each individual line map item.
JspParseEventListener JSP code generator "backend".
JspReader JspReader is an input buffer for the JSP parser.
JspUtil This class has all the utility method(s).
MappedCharDataGenerator CharDataGenerator generates the character data present in the JSP file.
Mark Mark represents a point in the JSP input.
PageDataImpl Implementation of abstract class javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.PageData.
Parser The class that parses the JSP input and calls the right methods on the code generator backend.
ParserController Controller for the parsing of a JSP page.
ParserXJspSax SAX Parser to handle XJsp syntax.
PluginGenerator Generator for
ScriptletGenerator Generator for <% ....
ServletWriter This is what is used to generate servlets.
SetPropertyGenerator Generator for jsp:setProperty.
StoredCharDataGenerator StoredCharDataGenerator generates HTML and other data present in JSP files to be stored/serialized into a .dat file.
SunJavaCompiler The default compiler.
TagBeginGenerator Custom tag support.
TagCache A simple cache to hold results of one-time evaluation for a custom tag.
TagEndGenerator Custom tag support.
TagLibraries A container for all tag libraries that have been imported using the taglib directive.
TagLibraryInfoImpl Implementation of the TagLibraryInfo class from the JSP spec.
TldLocationsCache A container for all tag libraries that are defined "globally" for the web application.
UninterpretedTagBeginGenerator Generates the start element of an uninterpreted tag.
UninterpretedTagEndGenerator Generates the start element of an uninterpreted tag.
XmlOutputter Class responsible for generating the XML stream representing the JSP translation unit being compiled.

Exception Summary
CompileException Class for parser exceptions.
ParseException Class for parser exceptions.

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