section c of routines in std.i

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functions in std.i - c


             call, subroutine(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5  
                              arg6, arg7, arg8);  
     allows a SUBROUTINE to be called with a very long argument list  
     as an alternative to:  
          subroutine, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,  
            arg6, arg7, arg8;  
     Note that the statement  
          subroutine(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,  
                     arg6, arg7, arg8);  
     will print the return value of subroutine, even if it is nil.  
     If invoked as a function, call simply returns its argument.  

interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 2793  

     Catch errors of the specified category.  Category may be -1 to  
     catch all errors, or a bitwise or of the following bits:  
        0x01 math errors (SIGFPE, math library)  
	0x02 I/O errors  
	0x04 keyboard interrupts (e.g.- control C interrupt)  
	0x08 other compiled errors (YError)  
	0x10 interpreted errors (error)  
     Use catch by placing it in a function before the section of code  
     in which you are trying to catch errors.  When catch is called,  
     it always returns 0, but it records the virtual machine program  
     counter where it was called, and longjumps there if an error is  
     detected.  The most recent matching call to catch will catch the  
     error.  Returning from the function in which catch was called  
     pops that call off the list of catches the interpreter checks.  
     To use catch, place the call near the top of a function:  
        if (catch(category)) {  
     If an error with the specified category occurs in the "protected"  
     code, the program jumps back to the point of the catch and acts  
     as if the catch function had returned 1 (remember that when catch  
     is actually called it always returns 0).  
     In order to lessen the chances of infinite loops, the catch is  
     popped off the active list if it is actually used, so that a  
     second error will *not* be caught.  Often, this is only desirable  
     for the error handling code itself -- if you want to re-execute  
     the "protected" code, do this, and take care of the possibility  
     of infinite loops in your interpreted code:  
        while (catch(category)) {  
     After an error has been caught, the associated error message  
     (what would have been printed had it not been caught) is left  
     in the variable catch_message.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 2548  
SEE ALSO: error  

             cd, directory_name  
          or cd(directory_name)  
     change current working directory to DIRECTORY_NAME, returning  
     the expanded path name (i.e.- with leading environment variables,  
     ., .., or ~ replaced by the actual pathname).  If called as a  
     function, returns nil to indicate failure, otherwise failure  
     causes a Yorick error.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1546  
SEE ALSO: lsdir,   mkdir,   rmdir,   get_cwd,   get_home,  
get_env,   get_argv  

     returns the smallest integer not less than x (no-op on integers).  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 618  
SEE ALSO: floor  

             close, f  
     closes the I/O stream F (returned earlier by the open function).  
     If F is a simple variable reference (as opposed to an expression),  
     the close function will set F to nil.  If F is the only reference  
     to the I/O stream, then "close, f" is equivalent to "f= []".  
     Otherwise, "close, f" will close the file (so that subsequent  
     I/O operations will fail) and print a warning message about the  
     outstanding ("stale") references.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1221  
SEE ALSO: open,   read,   write,   rdline,   bookmark,   backup,  
save,   restore,   rename,   remove  

             close102  is a keyword for createb or updateb,  
             open102   is a keyword for openb or updateb  
	    close102_default   is a global variable (initially 0)  
	      ***Do not use close102_default -- use at_pdb_close  
	         -- this is for backward compatibility only***  
	    close102=1  means to close the PDB file "Major-Order:102"  
	    close102=0  means close it "Major-Order:101"  
	       if not specified, uses 1 if close102_default non-zero,  
	       otherwise the value specified in at_pdb_close  
	    open102=1   means to ignore what the PDB file says internally,  
	                and open it as if it were "Major-Order:102"  
	    open102=0   (the default) means to assume the PDB file is  
                        correctly writen  
	    open102=2   means to assume that the file is incorrectly  
	                written, whichever way it is marked  
	    open102=3   means to ignore what the PDB file says internally,  
	                and open it as if it were "Major-Order:101"  
     The PDB file format comes in two styles, "Major-Order:101", and  
     "Major-Order:102".  Yorick interprets these correctly by default,  
     but other codes may ignore them, or write them incorrectly.  
     Unlike Yorick, not all codes are able to correctly read both  
     styles.  If you are writing a file which needs to be read by  
     a "102 style" code, create it with the close102=1 keyword.  
     If you notice that a file you though was a history file isn't, or  
     that the dimensions of multi-dimensional variables are transposed  
     from the order you expected, the code which wrote the file probably  
     blew it.  Try openb("filename", open102=2).  The choices 1 and 3  
     are for cases in which you know the writing code was supposed to  
     write the file one way or the other, and you don't want to be  
     The open102 and close102 keywords, if present, override the  
     defaults in the variables at_pdb_open and at_pdb_close.  

keyword,  defined at i0/std.i   line 1792  
SEE ALSO: at_pdb_open,   at_pdb_close  

keyword,  defined at i0/std.i   line 1792  
SEE close102  

             result= collect(f, name_string)  
     scans through all records of the history file F accumulating the  
     variable NAME_STRING into a single array with one additional  
     index varying from 1 to the number of records.  
     NAME_STRING can be either a simple variable name, or a name  
     followed by up to four simple indices which are either nil, an  
     integer, or an index range with constant limits.  (Note that  
     0 or negative indices count from the end of a dimension.)  
        collect(f, "xle")        -- collects the variable f.xle  
	collect(f, "tr(2,2:)")   -- collects,2:)  
	collect(f, "akap(2,-1:0,)") -- collects f.akap(2,-1:0,)  
	             (i.e.- akap in the last two values of its  
		            second index)  

interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 1714  
SEE ALSO: get_times  

     returns the complex conjugate of its argument.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 646  

             copyright, (no) warranty  
     Copyright (c) 1996.  The Regents of the University of California.  
                   All rights reserved.  
     Yorick is provided "as is" without any warranty, either expressed or  
     implied.  For a complete statement, type:  
     at the Yorick prompt.  

keyword,  defined at i0/std.i   line 72  
SEE ALSO: legal  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 518  
SEE sin  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 557  
SEE sinh  

             cray_primitives, file  
     sets FILE primitive data types to be native to Cray 1, XMP, and YMP.  

interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 2003  

             f= create(filename)  
     is a synonym for       f= open(filename, "w")  
     Creates a new text file FILENAME, destroying any existing file of  
     that name.  Use the write function to write into the file F.  

interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 1212  
SEE ALSO: write,   close,   open  

             file= createb(filename)  
          or file= createb(filename, primitives)  
     creates FILENAME as a PDB file in "w+b" mode, destroying any  
     existing file by that name.  If the PRIMITIVES argument is  
     supplied, it must be the name of a procedure that sets the  
     primitive data types for the file.  The default is to create  
     a file with the native primitive types of the machine on which  
     Yorick is running.  The following PRIMITIVES functions are  
        sun_primitives    -- appropriate for Sun, HP, IBM, and  
	                     most other workstations  
        sun3_primitives   -- appropriate for old Sun-2 or Sun-3  
        dec_primitives    -- appropriate for DEC (MIPS) workstations, Windows  
        alpha_primitives  -- appropriate for DEC alpha workstations  
        sgi64_primitives  -- appropriate for 64 bit SGI workstations  
        cray_primitives   -- appropriate for Cray 1, XMP, and YMP  
	mac_primitives    -- appropriate for MacIntosh  
	macl_primitives   -- appropriate for MacIntosh, 12-byte double  
	i86_primitives    -- appropriate for Linux i86 machines  
	pc_primitives     -- appropriate for IBM PC  
        vax_primitives    -- appropriate for VAXen only (H doubles)  
        vaxg_primitives   -- appropriate for VAXen only (G doubles)  
        xdr_primitives    -- appropriate for XDR files  

interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 1925  
SEE ALSO: openb,   updateb,   cd,   save,   add_record,  
set_filesize,   set_blocksize,   close102,  
close102_default,   at_pdb_open,   at_pdb_close  

interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 567  
SEE sech