htmlsection manual

htmlsection - insert section number in HTML and make the table of contents.
htmlsection is a perl script to insert section number in HTML. When you use htmlsection, you don't have to manage section, table, figure, program-list, and reference numbers and you don't have to make the table of contents, table index, figure index, and program-list index.

If files are specified, htmlsection reads HTML from these files. But, if files are not specified, htmlsection reads HTML from standard input.


htmlsection [-options] [files ...]

Make htmlsection If you want to make htmlsection, type,
> make
search path to perl, create head of script (Ex. #!/usr/bin/perl), create comments from README, create manual page, make htmlsection from, and create htmlsection.html from htmlsection_orig.html. See Sample HTML File If you want to see sample HTML file, see htmlsection_orig.html and htmlsection.html. htmlsection.html was created from htmlsection_orig.html by htmlsection such as,
> cat htmlsection_orig.html | ./htmlsection -english > htmlsection.html
Install If you want to install htmlsection to your system, type,
> su
# make install
htmlsection and manual page are installed to your system. Uninstall If you want to uninstall htmlsection from your system, type,
> su
# make uninstall
htmlsection and manual page are deleted from your system.
Insert section number in HTML and make links to the section htmlsection changes <section></section> tag to <h1></h1> tag and section number. You can use tag <section>, <subsection>, ..., and <subsubsubsubsubsection>. If name option is specified, htmlsection changes <sectionref> tag to the number and title of the section and make link to the section. If you want not to use number, use number option as <section number=no>. Section Number Example For example, make the file example.html as .
Section Number Example

<section name="intro" number=no>Introduction</section> This is introduction. <section name="howto">How to use htmlsection</section> <subsection name="howtouse">Let's use htmlsection!</subsection> If you want to know about htmlsection, see <sectionref name="howto">, and <subsectionref name="howtouse" title=no>. <section number=no>Ending</section>

And execute,

> cat example.html | htmlsection
htmlsection will output as .
Section Number Example after Convertion


This is introduction.

1 How to use htmlsection

1.1 Let's use htmlsection!

If you want to know about htmlsection, see 1 How to use htmlsection, and 1.1.


Make the table of contents htmlsection inserts the table of contents at <tableofcontents></tableofcontents> tag. Insert table, figure, and program-list number and make links htmlsection inserts the number at <tablereference> tag. Table, Figure, and Program-list Number Example Before convertion, See .
Table, Figure and List Number Example

<center> <tablereference name="sample_table">Sample Table</tablereference> <table border=1> <tr><td align=center>name</td><td align=center>function</td></tr> <tr><td>printf</td><td>print strings by a format.</td></tr> </table> </center> <p> <center> <img src="picture/sample.jpg"> <br> <figurereference name="sample_figure">Sample Figure</figurereference> </center> <p> <pre> <listreference name="sample_list">Sample List</listreference> int main() { int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("%d\n", i); exit (0); } </pre> <p> See <tableref name="sample_table">. See <figureref name="sample_figure">. See <listref name="sample_list">.
After convertion by htmlsection, See .
Table, Figure and List Number Example after Convertion

table1: Sample Table
printfprint strings by a format.

figure1: Sample Figure

list1: Sample List

int main()
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    printf("%d\n", i);
  exit (0);

See table1. See figure1. See list1.

Make the index of tables, figures, and program-lists htmlsection inserts the index of table, figure, and list at <tableindex></tableindex>, <figureindex></figureindex>, and <listindex></listindex> tag. Insert reference number and make links htmlsention makes reference table. Reference Number Example Before convertion, See .
Reference Example

See <ref name="KandR2">. <references> <reference name="KandR">Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, "The C Programming Language", Prentice-Hall, 1978. <reference name="KandR2">Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, "The C Programming Language", Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988. <reference name="NumericalRecipe">William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, and Brian P.Flannery, "Numerical Recipes in C", Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1992. </references>
After convertion by htmlsection, See .
Reference Example after Convertion

See [2].
  • [1]Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, "The C Programming Language", Prentice-Hall, 1978.
  • [2]Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, "The C Programming Language", Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988.
  • [3]William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, and Brian P.Flannery, "Numerical Recipes in C", Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Options in are available.

Available Options
Option Description
-h, -help Output help messages.
-max-depth [depth] Specify the max depth of subsection of section tag. If you specify -max-depth 10, you can use <subsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsection> tag.
-spacer Spacing <section>, <subsection> and <subsubsection> tag.
-no-spacer No spacing.
Specify the language. If you don't specify these options, htmlsection sees environment variable LANG.
-start-section [section] Specify the section number at start. For example, if you specify -start-section 3.5.6, htmlsection sets the section number to it at start.
-toc-section [section] Specify the section depth to make the table of contents. If you specify -toc-section 2, htmlsection makes the table of contents by section and subsection only.
-table-section [section] Specify the section number at beginning of table number. If you specify -table-section 2, format of table number is [section_number].[subsection_number].[table_number]. If you specify -table-section 0, format of table number is [table_number] only.
-figure-section [section],
-list-section [section]
Same as -table-section option.
-start-table [number] Specify the table number at start.
-start-figure [number],
-start-list [number],
-start-ref [number]
Same as -start-table option.
-toc-file [filename] If you specify -toc-file, output the table of contents to the file.
-table-file [filename] If you specify -table-file, output the table index to the file.
-figure-file [filename],
-list-file [filename]
Same as -table-file option.
-o [filename] Specify the output file. If you don't specify the filename, htmlsection outputs HTML to the standard output.
Environment Variables
Environment variables in are available.

Available Environment Variables
LANGSpecify the language.
Tags in are available.

Available Tags
number=yes or no
title=yes or no
<tablereference>Title</tablereference> name="table_name"
number=yes or no
<figurereference>Title</figurereference> name="figure_name"
number=yes or no
<listreference>Title</listreference> name="list_name"
number=yes or no
<tableref>Title</tableref> name="table_name"
title=yes or no
<figureref>Title</figureref> name="figure_name"
title=yes or no
<listref>Title</listref> name="list_name"
title=yes or no
<references></references> none
<reference> name="reference_name"
<ref> name="reference_name"
title=yes or no
<tableofcontents></tableofcontents> none
<tableindex></tableindex> none
<figureindex></figureindex> none
<listindex></listindex> none
Other Documents
If you want to see more detail information, See,
  • Comments at the head of htmlsection script.
  • HTMLSECTION_PREFIX/share/doc/htmlsection - Documents.
  • HTMLSECTION_PREFIX/share/doc/htmlsection/README - Readme file.
  • HTMLSECTION_PREFIX/share/doc/htmlsection/htmlsection.html - Sample HTML file and description about htmlsection.
Programmed by SAKAI Hiroaki.


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htmlsection Copyright (C) 2001 SAKAI Hiroaki.
All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. perl manual page noweb