Module mod_put



Download mod_put.tar.gz


Integration with Apache 1.3.x - compiling and linking

To link mod_put into Apache (recommended for best performance), just add a add-module clause to your configure call:
./configure --add-module=/path/to/mod_put.c

Integrating into Apache 1.2.x - compiling and linking

To link the put module with Apache, you must rebuild Apache from its sources with adding mod_put in the configuration file:
  1. Untar mod_put.tar.gz in Apache sources' directory
  2. Edit Configuration file according your installation
  3. Run the Configure script to rebuild the makefile
  4. Build Apache by typing make
  5. Install the brand new httpd program
  6. Edit the web server configuration files (typically httpd.conf and access.conf)
  7. Restart the web daemon

Example of a Configuration file


Module mime_module         mod_mime.o

Module access_module       mod_access.o
Module auth_module         mod_auth.o
Module negotiation_module  mod_negotiation.o
Module includes_module     mod_include.o
Module dir_module          mod_dir.o
Module cgi_module          mod_cgi.o


# Miscellaneous modules

Module put_module       mod_put.o

httpd.conf Directives


<Location /pub>
EnablePut On
AuthType Basic
AuthName Web publishing
AuthUserFile /www/etc/passwd
AuthGroupFile /www/etc/group
<Limit PUT>
require valid-user
