
class StructSet

A set of structs to be received.

Public Methods

[more]FDSet& ExceptFDs ()
returns a reference to the set of file descriptors, that you're expecting to get into an exceptional condition.
[more]const FDSet& ExceptFDs () const
returns the set of file descriptors, that you're expecting to get into an exceptional condition.
[more]bool FDsReady () const
returns true if any file descriptor is ready.
[more]const FDSet& ReadFDs () const
returns the set of file descriptors, you want to read from.
[more]const FDSet& ReadyExceptFDs () const
returns the set of file descriptors, that have an exceptional condition pending.
[more]const FDSet& ReadyReadFDs () const
returns the set of file descriptors, that are ready to read from.
[more]const FDSet& ReadyWriteFDs () const
returns the set of file descriptors, that are ready to write to.
[more]StructId Receive (Task &From = IgnoreTask)
receives a message of one of the types in the set and returns the id of that message and the id of the sender in From.
[more]StructId ReceiveFrom (Task From)
receives a message of one of the types in the set, but only from the task From.
[more]StructId ReceiveFrom (const TaskSet &FromSet, Task &From = IgnoreTask)
receives a message of one of the types in the set, but only from one of the tasks given by FromSet, and returns the id of that message and the id of the sender in From.
[more]StructId TimedReceive (unsigned long int &Time, Task &From = IgnoreTask)
receives a message of one of the types in the set and returns the the id of the sender in From.
[more]StructId TimedReceiveFrom (Task From, unsigned long int &Time)
receives a message of one of the types in the set, but only from the task From.
[more]StructId TimedReceiveFrom (const TaskSet &FromSet, unsigned long int &Time, Task &From = IgnoreTask)
receives a message of one of the types in the set, but only from one of the tasks given by FromSet, and returns the id of the sender in From.
[more]FDSet& WriteFDs ()
returns a reference to the set of file descriptors, you want to write to.
[more]const FDSet& WriteFDs () const
returns the set of file descriptors, you want to write to.
[more]int count (StructId What) const
returns 1, if an instance with the StructId` is in the set and 0 otherwise.
[more]int count (const Struct &What) const
returns 1, if What (not just any instance with the same StructId as What) is in the set and 0 otherwise.
[more]void erase (StructId What)
erases the potentially contained instance with the StructId What.
[more]void erase (const Struct &What)
erases the potentially contained instance with the same StructId as What.
[more]void insert (Struct &What)
inserts a reference to the instance What into the set.

Public Members

[more]typedef std::set< int > FDSet
the type representing a set of file descriptors.


A set of structs to be received.

A StructSet is of course a set of Struct derivations. But in contrast to the classes TaskSet and HostSet it is not derived from the STL-class set. Yet some of the methods are available with the same name as in the STL. You can add a Struct to the StructSet and can remove one from there. If you want to receive messages of, let's say, three different types, then you simply add instances of all those three Struct-derivations to a StructSet and do a Receive*() (syntax and semantic are analogous to those in Struct.Receive*()). Then you get a return value with the id of the received message (as given with SetStructId()) or 0, in case no message has been received (e.g. if it is a timed receive). Now you find the received information in the previously added instance of the corresponding type. So a code-fragment looks like this:

      StructA A; // derived from Pvm::Struct; Id = A_Id;
      StructB B; // derived from Pvm::Struct; Id = B_Id;
      Pvm::StructSet Awaited;
      Awaited.insert (A);
      Awaited.insert (B);
      while (1)
          Pvm::StructId Id = Awaited.ReceiveFrom (SendingTask);
          if (Id == A_Id)
            cout << A.what_ever_data_is_in_A << endl;
          else // now Id must be equal B_Id
            cout << B.what_ever_data_is_in_B << endl;
ovoid insert(Struct &What)
inserts a reference to the instance What into the set. There can inly be one instance of every type (determined by the corresponding StructId) inside such a set. So an instance overrides potentially contained ones of the same type.

ovoid erase(const Struct &What)
erases the potentially contained instance with the same StructId as What.

ovoid erase(StructId What)
erases the potentially contained instance with the StructId What.

oint count(const Struct &What) const
returns 1, if What (not just any instance with the same StructId as What) is in the set and 0 otherwise.

oint count(StructId What) const
returns 1, if an instance with the StructId` is in the set and 0 otherwise.

oStructId Receive(Task &From = IgnoreTask)
receives a message of one of the types in the set and returns the id of that message and the id of the sender in From. The parameter can be omitted, if you're not interested in who was sending. The message is unpacked into the instance that was added to set at. The call blocks until a message is received. If one of the file descriptor sets is not empty, the function returns immediatly 0, if the corresponding action on the file desriptor is possible. Subsequent calls to the Ready*FDs()-methods return the ready file descriptors. The input sets are not changed.

oStructId ReceiveFrom(const TaskSet &FromSet, Task &From = IgnoreTask)
receives a message of one of the types in the set, but only from one of the tasks given by FromSet, and returns the id of that message and the id of the sender in From. This parameter can be omitted. The message is unpacked into the instance that was added to set at.The call blocks until a message is received. If one of the file descriptor sets is not empty, the function returns immediatly 0, if the corresponding action on the file desriptor is possible. Subsequent calls to the Ready*FDs()-methods return the ready file descriptors. The input sets are not changed.

oStructId ReceiveFrom(Task From)
receives a message of one of the types in the set, but only from the task From. It returns the id of the message. The message is unpacked into the instance that was added to set at.The call blocks until a message is received. If one of the file descriptor sets is not empty, the function returns immediatly 0, if the corresponding action on the file desriptor is possible. Subsequent calls to the Ready*FDs()-methods return the ready file descriptors. The input sets are not changed.

oStructId TimedReceive(unsigned long int &Time, Task &From = IgnoreTask)
receives a message of one of the types in the set and returns the the id of the sender in From. This parameter can be omitted. The parameter Time specifies the maximal blocking time in microseconds. If after this time no message is received, than the function returns 0, otherwise it returns the id of the message and the remaining time in Time immediately after receiving the message. If received, the message is unpacked into the instance that was added to set at. If one of the file descriptor sets is not empty, the function returns immediatly 0, if the corresponding action on the file desriptor is possible. Subsequent calls to the Ready*FDs()-methods return the ready file descriptors. The input sets are not changed.

oStructId TimedReceiveFrom(const TaskSet &FromSet, unsigned long int &Time, Task &From = IgnoreTask)
receives a message of one of the types in the set, but only from one of the tasks given by FromSet, and returns the id of the sender in From. This parameter can be omitted. The parameter Time specifies the maximal blocking time in microseconds. If after this time no message is received, than the function returns 0, otherwise it returns the id of the message and the remaining time in Time immediately after receiving the message. If received, the message is unpacked into the instance that was added to set at. If one of the file descriptor sets is not empty, the function returns immediatly 0, if the corresponding action on the file desriptor is possible. Subsequent calls to the Ready*FDs()-methods return the ready file descriptors. The input sets are not changed.

oStructId TimedReceiveFrom(Task From, unsigned long int &Time)
receives a message of one of the types in the set, but only from the task From. The parameter Time specifies the maximal blocking time in microseconds. If after this time no message is received, than the function returns 0,otherwise it returns the id of the message and the remaining time in Time immediately after receiving the message. If received, the message is unpacked into the instance that was added to set at. If one of the file descriptor sets is not empty, the function returns immediatly 0, if the corresponding action on the file desriptor is possible. Subsequent calls to the Ready*FDs()-methods return the ready file descriptors. The input sets are not changed.

otypedef std::set< int > FDSet
the type representing a set of file descriptors.

oconst FDSet& ReadFDs() const
returns the set of file descriptors, you want to read from.

oconst FDSet& ReadyReadFDs() const
returns the set of file descriptors, that are ready to read from.

oFDSet& WriteFDs()
returns a reference to the set of file descriptors, you want to write to.

oconst FDSet& WriteFDs() const
returns the set of file descriptors, you want to write to.

oconst FDSet& ReadyWriteFDs() const
returns the set of file descriptors, that are ready to write to.

oFDSet& ExceptFDs()
returns a reference to the set of file descriptors, that you're expecting to get into an exceptional condition.

oconst FDSet& ExceptFDs() const
returns the set of file descriptors, that you're expecting to get into an exceptional condition.

oconst FDSet& ReadyExceptFDs() const
returns the set of file descriptors, that have an exceptional condition pending.

obool FDsReady() const
returns true if any file descriptor is ready.

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