
G. Pape


qconfirm - manage addresses/ids in a qconfirm directory


qconfirm [-i] [-d dir] list [pending|ok|return|bad]

qconfirm [-i] [-d dir] arg addresses


qconfirm either lists pending, known, bouncing, or bad addresses in a qconfirm directory, or alters their states to tell qconfirm-check(1) what to do with mails from this addresses.

arg is either check, accept, drop, bounce, pending, remove, or bad. addresses consists of one or more mail addresses or qconfirm ids.


lists all ids in the pending/, ok/, return/, or bad/ directory as mail addresses, one per line. Each address is preceded with a timestamp indicating when the last confirmation request was sent (pending/), when the last message from this address was accepted (ok/), when the most recent bounce was received (return/), or when the id was created (bad/). If neither the pending, ok, return, or bad option is given, qconfirm lists the pending directory and appends to each address its current state.
check for each mail address in addresses its state in the qconfirm directory. The state can be either known, unknown, pending, or bad.
alter the state for each mail address in addresses to known. If the state of the mail address is pending, this address is confirmed manually. The next time qmail tries to deliver a message from this address, the message is accepted and the state is changed to known.
check for each mail address in addresses if the address currently is pending. If yes, tell qconfirm-check(1) to silently drop the message the next time qmail tries to deliver a message from this address.
check for each mail address in addresses if the address currently is pending. If yes, tell qconfirm-check(1) to bounce the message the next time qmail tries to deliver a message from this address.
switch the state of each mail address back to pending.
check for each mail address in addresses if the address is known. If yes, change its state to unknown.
check for each mail address in addresses if the address is unknown or pending. If yes, tell qconfirm-check(1) to permanently bounce messages from this address.


Id. Force all addresses to be interpreted as qconfirm ids, not mail addresses, and output qconfirm ids instead of mail addresses.
-d dir
Override the default qconfirm directory (~/.qconfirm) and the environment variable QCONFIRM_DIR with dir.


The environment variable QCONFIRM_DIR overrides the default location of the user's qconfirm directory (~/.qconfirm).

See Also

qconfirm-check(1), qconfirm-conf(1), qconfirm-accept(1), qconfirm-return(1), qconfirm-control(1), qconfirm-cdb-check(1), qconfirm-cdb-update(1)


Gerrit Pape <>

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