#!/usr/local/bin/siod -m2 -*-mode:lisp-*- ;; $Id: http-server.scm,v 1.1 1996/10/17 18:40:18 gjc Exp $ ;; single-threaded http server for diagnostic purposes. (define (main) (http-server (string->number (or (larg-default (cdddr *args*) 0) "9000")))) (define (http-server port) (let ((s (s-open "" port 1))) (writes nil "*** listening ***\n") (*catch 'errobj (while t (let ((a (s-accept s))) (writes nil "*** accepted ***\n") (http-service-one a)))) (s-close s))) (define *key-content-length* "content-length: ") (define (http-service-one a) (let ((line nil) (content-length nil)) (while (and (set! line (s-gets a)) (not (or (equal? line "\r\n") (equal? line "\n")))) (writes nil line) (if (and (> (length line) (length *key-content-length*)) (equal? *key-content-length* (string-downcase (substring line 0 (length *key-content-length*))))) (set! content-length (string->number (substring line (length *key-content-length*)))))) (if content-length (begin (writes nil "*** content " content-length " bytes ***\n") (let ((j 0) (c nil)) (while (and (< j content-length) (set! c (s-getc a))) (putc c) (set! j (+ 1 j)))))) (s-puts (string-append "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Server: Foobar/1.0\r\n" "Content-type: text/plain\r\n" "Date: " (http-date (realtime)) "\r\n" "Last-modified: Saturday, 05-Aug-95 01:03:21 GMT\r\n" "Expires: " (http-date (+ (realtime) 3600)) "\r\n" "Set-Cookie: GJC_1=BEMYGUEST; path=/; " "expires=Wednesday, 09-Nov-99 23:12:40 GMT\r\n" "\r\n" "This server does not have much to say.\r\n") a) (s-force-output a) (s-close a) (writes nil "*** Done ***\n")))