na_play Audio Playback

Table of Contents


na_play [input file0] [input file1] ... [-h ] [-itype string] [-n int] [-f int] [-ibo string] [-iswap ] [-istype string] [-c string] [-start float] [-end float] [-from int] [-to int] [-p string] [-command string] [-basic ] [-r* ] [-quality string] [-server string] [-scale float] [-v ] [-wait ]

na_play is a general playback program for playing sound files on a variety of platforms and sound cards. Currently, the following audio devices are supported:

The default audio is netaudio if it is supported. If not the platform specific auido mode is the default (e.g. sun16audio, linux16audio, freebsd16audio or mplayeraudio). If none of these is supported, sunaudio is the default.



options help


string Input file type (optional). If set to raw, this indicates that the input file does not have a header. While this can be used to specify file types other than raw, this is rarely used for other purposes as the file type of all the existing supported types can be determined automatically from the file's header. If the input file is unheadered, files are assumed to be shorts (16bit). Supported types are nist, est, esps, snd, riff, aiff, audlab, raw, ascii


int Number of channels in an unheadered input file


int Sample rate in Hertz for an unheadered input file


string Input byte order in an unheadered input file: possibliities are: MSB , LSB, native or nonnative. Suns, HP, SGI Mips, M68000 are MSB (big endian) Intel, Alpha, DEC Mips, Vax are LSB (little endian)


Swap bytes. (For use on an unheadered input file)


string Sample type in an unheadered input file: short, mulaw, byte, ascii


string Select a single channel (starts from 0). Waveforms can have multiple channels. This option extracts a single channel for progcessing and discards the rest.


float Extract sub-wave starting at this time, specified in seconds


float Extract sub-wave ending at this time, specified in seconds


int Extract sub-wave starting at this sample point


int Extract sub-wave ending at this sample point


string audio device protocol. Ths supported types are sunaudio audio_command netaudio


string command to play wave when protocol is audio_command


HTML audio/basic format, if unheadered treat as ulaw 8K


ESPS compatible way of selecting subrange of file. The options -start, -end, -to and -from are recommended


string either [ high | low ] . "high" will ensure that proper resampling is used. "low" means play as fast as possible, with a minimum of processing


string play sound on machine (when protocol is server-based)


float change the gain (volume) of the signal. 1.0 is default


verbose. Print file names when playing


verbose. Print file names when playing