
class OSGGA_EXPORT osgGA::CompositeGUIEventHandler

CompositeGUIEventHandler allows GUIEventHandlers to be composed into hierarchies


Public Methods

[more]virtual bool handle(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& aa)
[more]virtual const CompositeGUIEventHandler* getComposite() const
[more]virtual CompositeGUIEventHandler* getComposite()
[more]virtual void accept(GUIEventHandlerVisitor& v)
[more]virtual bool addChild(GUIEventHandler* geh)
[more]virtual bool removeChild(GUIEventHandler* geh)
[more]const int getNumChildren() const
[more]GUIEventHandler* getChild( int i)
[more]const GUIEventHandler* getChild( int i ) const
[more]bool containsNode( const GUIEventHandler* node ) const
[more]ChildList::iterator findChild( const GUIEventHandler* node )

Public Members

[more]typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<GUIEventHandler> > ChildList

Inherited from GUIEventHandler:


CompositeGUIEventHandler allows GUIEventHandlers to be composed into hierarchies
otypedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<GUIEventHandler> > ChildList

ovirtual bool handle(const GUIEventAdapter& ea, GUIActionAdapter& aa)

ovirtual const CompositeGUIEventHandler* getComposite() const

ovirtual CompositeGUIEventHandler* getComposite()

ovirtual void accept(GUIEventHandlerVisitor& v)

ovirtual bool addChild(GUIEventHandler* geh)

ovirtual bool removeChild(GUIEventHandler* geh)

oconst int getNumChildren() const

oGUIEventHandler* getChild( int i)

oconst GUIEventHandler* getChild( int i ) const

obool containsNode( const GUIEventHandler* node ) const

oChildList::iterator findChild( const GUIEventHandler* node )

This class has no child classes.

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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