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iAwsPrefManager Struct Reference

Interface for the preferences manager (window manager needs one.). More...

#include <aws.h>

Inheritance diagram for iAwsPrefManager:

iBase List of all members.

Public Methods

virtual bool Setup (iObjectRegistry *object_reg)=0
 Performs whatever initialization is needed.

virtual bool Load (const char *def_file)=0
 Invokes the definition parser to load definition files.

virtual unsigned long NameToId (char *name)=0
 Maps a name to an id.

virtual bool SelectDefaultSkin (char *skin_name)=0
 Select which skin is the default for components, the skin must be loaded. True on success, false otherwise.

virtual bool LookupIntKey (char *name, int &val)=0
 Lookup the value of an int key by name (from the skin def).

virtual bool LookupIntKey (unsigned long id, int &val)=0
 Lookup the value of an int key by id (from the skin def).

virtual bool LookupStringKey (char *name, iString *&val)=0
 Lookup the value of a string key by name (from the skin def).

virtual bool LookupStringKey (unsigned long id, iString *&val)=0
 Lookup the value of a string key by id (from the skin def).

virtual bool LookupRectKey (char *name, csRect &rect)=0
 Lookup the value of a rect key by name (from the skin def).

virtual bool LookupRectKey (unsigned long id, csRect &rect)=0
 Lookup the value of a rect key by id (from the skin def).

virtual bool LookupRGBKey (char *name, unsigned char &red, unsigned char &green, unsigned char &blue)=0
 Lookup the value of an RGB key by name (from the skin def).

virtual bool LookupRGBKey (unsigned long id, unsigned char &red, unsigned char &green, unsigned char &blue)=0
 Lookup the value of an RGB key by name (from the skin def).

virtual bool LookupPointKey (char *name, csPoint &point)=0
 Lookup the value of a point key by name (from the skin def).

virtual bool LookupPointKey (unsigned long id, csPoint &point)=0
 Lookup the value of a point key by id (from the skin def).

virtual bool GetInt (awsComponentNode *node, char *name, int &val)=0
 Get the an integer from a given component node.

virtual bool GetRect (awsComponentNode *node, char *name, csRect &rect)=0
 Get the a rect from a given component node.

virtual bool GetString (awsComponentNode *node, char *name, iString *&val)=0
 Get the value of an integer from a given component node.

virtual awsComponentNode* FindWindowDef (char *name)=0
 Find window definition and return the component node holding it, Null otherwise.

virtual void SetColor (int index, int color)=0
 Sets the value of a color in the global AWS palette.

virtual int GetColor (int index)=0
 Gets the value of a color from the global AWS palette.

virtual int FindColor (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)=0
 Finds the closest matching color.

virtual iFontGetDefaultFont ()=0
 Gets the current default font.

virtual iFontGetFont (char *filename)=0
 Gets a font. If it's not loaded, it will be. Returns NULL on error.

virtual iTextureHandleGetTexture (char *name, char *filename=NULL)=0
 Gets a texture from the global AWS cache.

virtual void SetTextureManager (iTextureManager *txtmgr)=0
 Sets the texture manager that the preference manager uses.

virtual void SetFontServer (iFontServer *fntsvr)=0
 Sets the font server that the preference manager uses.

virtual void SetWindowMgr (iAws *wmgr)=0
 Sets the window manager that the preference manager uses.

virtual void SetupPalette ()=0
 Sets up the AWS palette so that the colors are valid reflections of user preferences. More...

virtual void RegisterConstant (char *name, int value)=0
 Allows a component to specify it's own constant values for parsing.

virtual bool ConstantExists (char *name)=0
 Returns true if the constant has been registered, false otherwise.

virtual int GetConstantValue (char *name)=0
 Allows a component to retrieve the value of a constant, or the parser as well.

virtual iAwsKeyFactoryCreateKeyFactory ()=0
 Creates a new key factory.

Detailed Description

Interface for the preferences manager (window manager needs one.).

Member Function Documentation

void iAwsPrefManager::SetupPalette ( ) [pure virtual]

Sets up the AWS palette so that the colors are valid reflections of user preferences.

Although SetColor can be used, it's recommended that you do not. Colors should always be a user preference, and should be read from the window and skin definition files (as happens automatically normally.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated for Crystal Space by doxygen 1.2.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, ©1997-2000