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iTerrFuncState Struct Reference

This interface describes the API for the terrain object. More...

#include <terrfunc.h>

Inheritance diagram for iTerrFuncState:

iBase List of all members.

Public Methods

virtual void LoadMaterialGroup (iLoaderContext *ldr_context, const char *pName, int iStart, int iEnd)=0
 Load a group of materials from a given loader context.

virtual void SetTopLeftCorner (const csVector3 &topleft)=0
 Set the top-left corner of the terrain.

virtual csVector3 GetTopLeftCorner ()=0
virtual void SetScale (const csVector3 &scale)=0
 Set the scale of the terrain.

virtual csVector3 GetScale ()=0
 Get the scale of the terrain.

virtual void SetResolution (int x, int y)=0
 Setup the number of blocks in the terrain.

virtual int GetXResolution ()=0
 Get the x resolution.

virtual int GetYResolution ()=0
 Get the y resolution.

virtual void SetGridResolution (int x, int y)=0
 Setup the number of grid points in every block for the base mesh.

virtual int GetXGridResolution ()=0
 Get the x resolution for a block.

virtual int GetYGridResolution ()=0
 Get the y resolution for a block.

virtual void SetColor (const csColor &col)=0
 Set the base color.

virtual csColor GetColor () const=0
 Get the base color.

virtual void SetHeightFunction (iTerrainHeightFunction *func)=0
 Set the function to use for the terrain.

virtual void SetNormalFunction (iTerrainNormalFunction *func)=0
 Set the normal function to use for the terrain.

virtual void SetHeightMap (iImage *im, float hscale, float hshift)=0
 Use the given iImage to get a height function from.

virtual void SetLODDistance (int lod, float dist)=0
 Set the distance at which to switch to the given lod level (lod from 1 to 3).

virtual float GetLODDistance (int lod)=0
 Get the distance at which lod will switch to that level.

virtual void SetMaximumLODCost (int lod, float maxcost)=0
 Set the maximum cost for LOD level (1..3).

virtual float GetMaximumLODCost (int lod)=0
 Get the maximum cost for LOD level (1..3).

virtual void CorrectSeams (int tw, int th)=0
 Correct texture mapping so that no seams will appear with textures of the given size. More...

virtual void GetCorrectSeams (int &tw, int &th) const=0
 Get texture size for which seams will be corrected.

virtual void SetQuadDepth (int qd)=0
 Set the depth of the quad-tree used for visibility testing.

virtual int GetQuadDepth () const=0
 Get the depth of the quad-tree used for visibility testing.

virtual void SetVisTesting (bool en)=0
 Disable/enable visibility testing.

virtual bool IsVisTestingEnabled ()=0
 Return true if vis testing is enabled.

virtual void SetDirLight (const csVector3 &pos, const csColor &col)=0
virtual csVector3 GetDirLightPosition () const=0
virtual csColor GetDirLightColor () const=0
virtual void DisableDirLight ()=0
virtual bool IsDirLightEnabled () const=0
virtual void SetMaterial (int i, iMaterialWrapper *mat)=0
virtual int GetMaterialCount () const=0
virtual int CollisionDetect (csTransform *p)=0

Detailed Description

This interface describes the API for the terrain object.

Member Function Documentation

void iTerrFuncState::CorrectSeams ( int tw,
int th ) [pure virtual]

Correct texture mapping so that no seams will appear with textures of the given size.

By default this is 0,0 so no correction will happen.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated for Crystal Space by doxygen 1.2.5 written by Dimitri van Heesch, ©1997-2000